Schiit Mjolnir 2
美國品牌Schiit專攻耳擴及數位流領域,他們推出的產品非常有意思,皆以北歐神話的名稱來命名,旗下的真空管耳擴Mjolnir 2(唸作米優你爾),也就是雷神之鎚2,可以說非常獨特且有競爭力的產品,Mjolnir 2不像目前市場上的耳擴一樣,內含DAC功能,Schiit習慣將耳擴及DAC功能分開,讓玩家在器材搭配上的自由度更高。Mjolnir 2背板上附有RCA及XLR平衡輸入端子,並且附有一組RCA Pre out輸出;面板右側則提供了一組6.3mm單端以及XLR平衡耳機輸出,可以滿足各種連接及耳擴需求。
不過Mjolnir 2最特別的地方在於其真空管介面,它不只可以支援真空管,同時Schiit還推出了「晶體管」,讓玩家不只能藉由更換真空管來調音,甚至可以選擇「晶體」形式的管子來發聲,這讓玩家有更多的選擇,只要擁有Mjolnir 2就能同時享受到真空管與晶體的聲音,可以說是很聰明的設計。Mjolnir 2的聲音相當中性,溫暖而均衡的作風讓它擁有很棒的安定感,無論何種音樂都能詮釋得更正確、毫不偏頗,它在各頻段的表現上都不加渲染,只帶入了淡淡的暖味,並且擁有豐富的細節,無論連接上何種性格的耳機,它都能帶來很舒緩、很耐聽又不失細節的聲音,而且Mjolnir 2的驅動能力也相當出色,無論高低阻抗的耳機都能推出很棒的聲音,集合了多種出色能力,讓它完全不愧於Mjolnir雷神之鎚的威名。
Choose Tube Hybrid, Solid-State, or Both
Yes, that’s right. You can get Mjolnir 2 as a tube hybrid, or as a pure solid-state amp—or get both, and swap out as you’d like. You can also swap the standard 6BZ7 tubes for anything in the 6DJ8, 6922, ECC88, and 2492 families, to “roll” the sound to your specific preference. Or just opt for the Schiit LISST (Linear, Integral Solid-State Tube) for a 100% solid state amp.
Power and Control in Abundance
Mjolnir 2 puts out up to 8W/channel into 32 ohms, but is fully ready for high-sensitivity headphones with switchable gain. Use the standard gain of 8 for hard-to-drive headphones, or switch to a gain of 1 for sensitive on-ear models and IEMs. In addition, Mjolnir 2 also offers both balanced and single-ended input, switchable via the front panel. Want more? How about both balanced and single-ended headphone outputs and balanced and single-ended preamp outputs. Mjolnir also makes a great preamp for your power amps or powered monitors.
Pure Balanced, Differential Topology
Mjolnir uses our exclusive, inherently balanced and differential Crossfet topology—the only circlotron-style topology in a headphone amplifier (well, except for Ragnarok.) It’s balanced in and balanced out, with a custom 4-gang RK27 Alps volume pot—providing end-game performance for a mid-level price.
Made in USA—Really
Don’t roll your eyes. When we say, “Made in USA,” that’s exactly what we mean, with no weasel-wording. The vast majority of the total cost of Mjolnir goes to US companies manufacturing in the USA—most of them within easy driving distance from our office.