Audio devices that utilize USB data modes are commonly used for critical listening and high definition recording. To address this need, Kimber Kable created high performance USB type cables. Our Mini BUS Ag cables utilize large gauge pure silver conductors in tandem with large gauge (6.1%) silver-plated copper drain and shield wires. A high performance high-density polyethylene (PE) dielectric is used on the signal conductors to maximize signal integrity. Ferrite noise reduction beads are available separately for extra EMI/RFI protection. All Kimber Kable USB cables feature crimped and soldered shield to shell connection which helps reduce ground resistance variations.
為解析與動態都非常強大的一條USB線 ,導體採用純銀導體,並以6.1%鍍銀純銅屏蔽,以及6.1%鍍銀USB端子。聲音的凝聚度與分離度是這價位帶中最強的線材之一,尤其高頻的表現相當讓人激賞。播放大編制古典音樂時,最能充分展現其優勢。