PCSTEP是一台隨身型的耳擴,除了擁有類輸入外,也內建了USB DAC。 將他連接到電腦之後,他將大幅提升電腦音效的表現。PCSTEP擁有精密的音量控制(32段,兩段增益可調)。這個音量控制並非一般工業用規格,而是使用了一組低耗能的ADC,再運用此ADC的輸出來調節音量,他所得到的是一個非常乾淨而富於細節的聲音,並且沒有任何的聲道不均衡狀況。
PCSTEP SV (特價出清)
Technical details
Measures: 8.9 x 6.6 x 2.2 cm
Weight without battery: 115 gr.
Supply voltage: 6 .. (9) .. 15 Volts DC
Mean current uptake: 20mA
Discrete volume control. Typical stepsize 1.5 dB, 31 steps.
Maximal amplification: -2 / 14 dB (low/high gain)
Star-grounding and ultra short signal paths.
Input impedance: 120 / 19 kOhm
Output impedance: < 1 Ohm
The unit runs from a single 9V battery, 5V USB-power, or an external powersupply (with upto 15V). Internally the supply voltage is doubled to increase driving capacity.
External noise is removed by extensive LC-filtering of the supply voltage.
The total buffer capacity is 1700 uF to lower the effective battery impedance.
For amplification two single OPA209 opamps are used for maximal sonic performance.(No dual or quad-opamps!)
The 3.5 mm sockets are silver-plated.
Inside the signal path only metal-resistors and high-quality film-capacitors are used (polypropylene).
The enclosure is made entirely of aluminium.
Accessories: 2 mini-mini interconnects (goldplated)
tool to open the amp
商品的保固期限自購買日 算起,視代理商的保固期限有一年或是兩年保固。