


近幾年來從專業跨界家用 Hi-Fi 市場大有斬獲的 Mytek Digital,作為一間錄音室器材製造的美國品牌,曾經推出過的 Stereo 192 DSD DAC 獲得不少好評,即便搭載次一階的 ESS ES9016,依然能夠呈現出豐沛資訊量和頗具規模感的完整音場表現,在五萬元以上價位佔據相當重要的地位,與之相映的對手是 Benchmark DAC2 HGC。

而今,Mytek Digital 延續獲獎無數的 Stereo 192 DSD DAC和旗艦之作 Manhattan 的研發精神,發表新一代的 DAC/耳擴/前級「Brooklyn DAC Preorders」,塑造出不妥協聲音、通用擴充介面和辨識度分明的外觀設計,旨在用於家中任何環境,搭載認證的 Hi-Res MQA 解碼器,最高支援 PCM 32bit/384kHz、native DSD 256、DXD 音源格式,動態範圍是 130dB,以本款器材價位而言,如此規格實在難以置信,亦採用該廠獨家的 M-Clock,降低內部達到驚人的 0.82ps,僅次於旗艦級  Manhattan 的飛秒級時鐘,甚至提供時鐘輸入和輸出。

 「Brooklyn DAC Preorders」內置類比前級擴大電路,提供線性電平輸入或者 Phono M/M、M/C 輸入,以及 USB2 Class2 (OSX 無須驅動程式)、AES/EBU (最高支援 PCM 192kHz、DSD64 DoP), 2 x S/PDIF (最高支援 PCM 192kHz、DSD64 DoP)、Toslink / ADAT 2 x S / PDIF (最高支援 PCM 192kHz、DSD64 DoP)、SDIF3 (最高支援 DSD256)等數位輸入,允許連接外部的數位輸入源(PC、CD Player)與數位化的 ADC。

至於輸出方面為 RCA 單端和 XLR 平衡接口,「Brooklyn DAC Preorders」搭載兩組耳機輸出,宣稱採用參考級大電流、高瞬態設計,專為應付難驅動的耳機型號,同時賦予 500mA / 6W 等規格,特別選用 1dB 衰減的級進式音量旋鈕,主要用於輸出和耳機部分。



Brooklyn is a reference USB2 DAC, line and phono
analog preamplifier, reference headphone amplifier.
It integrates digital and vinyl hi-res playback for
reference listening on headphones and monitors.
Conversion: up to 384k, 32bit PCM, native DSD up to
DSD256, DXD, 130dB Dynamic Range
MQA Hi-Res Decoder: built in certified hardware MQA
Digital inputs: USB2 Class2 (OSX driverless, all
formats), AES/EBU (PCM up to 192k, up to DSD64
DOP), 2x S/PDIF (PCM up to 192k, up to DSD64 DOP),
Toslink/ADAT 2x S/PDIF (PCM up to 192k, up to
DSD64 DOP), SDIF3 DSD up to DSD256
Clock: “Mytek Femtoclock Generator (tm)” 0.82ps
internal jitter, Wordclock Input and Output (allows
stacking multiple units for multichannel operation,
includes mch DSD)
Analog outputs: RCA, balanced XLR, simultaneous
Headphone outputs: Reference High Current, High
transient Headphone Amp, 500mA, 6 Watts, dual
headphone jacks, designed to drive hard to drive
Built-in Attenuator: Choice of 1dB step analog
attenuator, separate for main out and headphones,
1dB step digital 32 bit attenuator and
purist relay bypass.
Built-n Analog Preamp: Line level input or Phono
M/M, M/C input, relay controlled.
Audio Interface Function: All digital inputs can be
routed into computer via USB2. Allows connection
of external digital sources such as CD Players and
digitizing ADCs.
Remote: Included, universal remote capable
Firmware: Upgradable via USB Control panel




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